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I'm a optimistic person as all motions and lives, I also think as they have but I need to think differ for my dreams and I start to think soo I create this private firm that I named for Digital Seva.

Kulveer Singh, Founder, Delhi

We were at a mission and we had decided finally that we should do that so when he say 'yes', we got wings for fly and results is in front of you.

Devendra Kumar, Co- Founder, Delhi

When they contact me for run services for their ideas as I listen then I said Yes, and now I am very glad to work with Our Digital Seva.

Akash Yadav, Service Head, U.P

We all are innovative persons and we always seeks that if we have any opportunity to show that we are best we never miss that. My team is so dedicated and hard working I m lucky to join with Digital Seva®.

Manoj Sharma, Collection Manager, UP

Hi I am Pukit as my name as I am coz I wanna be happy in all the situation and my work specially make me more challanging and happier, I would like to thanks Kabeer Sir and ofcourse Manoj who help me to get this opotunity.

Pulkit Sharma,Field Officer, U.P

After my callege I was thniking that what should I choose for be a successful, So One day I get the chance to meet Digital Seva and he offered me for work and I am here. Thanks Digital Seva for giving me this classic opportunity.

Ajay Yadav, Field Officer, U.P

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